The Health Detective

The Health Detective

How to Cure SIBO | Diet & Supplement Strategies That Work – The Health Detective Podcast

August 29, 2022

“Healing is possible if you follow the right strategy in a clean diet.”

Dr. Lauryn Lax is a Doctor of Occupational Therapy, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Functional Medicine Practitioner, author, and speaker, with over 20 years of clinical and personal experience specializing in gut health, intuitive eating, disordered eating, anxiety, hormone balance, and women's health. 

Dr. Lauryn will remind you to rebuild your gut with probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics both found in the supplemental and food-like forms today. She will guide you on the best diet and supplement strategies for SIBO as well as the three common pitfalls when it comes to SIBO treatment.

Episode highlight

[00:01] Do you have SIBO and want to heal it? Stay tuned!

[01:24] Karen’s story on her resolved symptoms 

[03:15] SIBO diet strategy happens in three primary phases

[03:19] Phase one would be symptom relief

[05:02] What is an elemental diet?

[05:12] Phase two is the reintroduction of real food within food tolerances for your body and your gut

[05:57] Phase three is to rebuild the gut and introduce more variety as possible

[06:20] The prebiotic foods

[06:31] The probiotic foods

[07:51] The herbal strategies

[08:21] Herbals can be just as effective as antibiotics

[08:47] Number one supplement strategy for treating SIBO is biofilm disruptors

[09:42] Number two supplement strategy for treating SIBO is digestive support

[10:07] Number three supplement strategy for treating SIBO is making sure to rebuild the gut

[11:15] Three reasons why SIBO treatment fails

[11:32] Number one, we miss out on prepping the body to cleanse

[13:06] Number two, missing out on the complete picture

[13:47] Number three, missing out on rebuilding the gut microbiome

[14:13] Final remarks

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