The Health Detective

The Health Detective

Healing Your Hormones with Dr. Brooke Kalanick - The Health Detective

July 13, 2022

“Not putting too much on your plate, on the to-do list, but it also means looking at all of the things that you ask of yourself every day.”

Dr. Brooke Kalanick is a licensed Naturopathic (ND) and Functional Medicine doctor, Dr. Brooke attended Seattle, Washington’s Bastyr University, where she earned a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine and Masters in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. She also has a partially completed Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) from Washington State University.

She helps women reset their hormones, their heads, and their habits, so they can finally feel at home in their bodies. She is also the co-host of the Sarah & Dr. Brooke Show and co-author of Hangry: Balance Your Hormones and Rediscover Your Joy In Five Simple Steps (St Martin’s Press, June 2019).

Dr. Brooke Kalanick will enlighten you about what your hormones are telling you right now which will ultimately lead you to know exactly what will work for you. She helps women just like you every day to manage menopause, infertility, PCOS, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's, weight loss, post-pregnancy issues, and more.

This is what we’re here for:

    • How to use exercise for longevity and healing your hormones

    • What are some of the root causes behind unhealthy balance with exercise

    • The different types of over-training

    • Defining and finding what a healthy balance of exercise looks like

    • How Dr. Brooke helps women come to terms and find peace not only with their body but with movement too and finding what they enjoy

Episode highlight

[00:25] Introduction to Dr. Brooke Kalanick

[01:27] Dr. Brooke’s background

[05:46] Bigger conversation about body image and health

[08:08] How exercising has to match your current set of hormone issues

[09:57] Hormones that cause weight gain

[10:11] Strategies for insulin resistance

[12:50] 2 reasons why you miss check or like just not checking your body

[14:53] The importance of gut health

[17:19] The gut is the gateway to diagnosing the thyroid

[17:42] Every cell in our body has a receptor for the thyroid hormone

[20:56] Metabolic training uses compound exercises with resistance and high intensity

[24:09] The different types of over training 

[30:04] Walking is a great exercise, walking is a good hormone

[33:20] The older we get, the more we need to preserve our lean masses

[38:00] Dr. Brooke’s values that manifest from her childhood

[39:55] Self-checking is a great type of awareness

[40:50] Final remarks

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