The Health Detective

The Health Detective

Heart Hunger with Dr. Anita Johnston - The Health Detective

July 06, 2022

“We don’t restrict because we're stressed, we restrict or we eat because we don’t want to feel our emotions.”

Dr. Anita Johnston is a clinical psychologist and certified eating disorder specialist and supervisor, working in the field of women’s issues and eating disorders for over 35 years. She is the author of the best-selling book, Eating in the Light of the Moon, and co-creator of the Light of the Moon Cafe, a series of online interactive courses and women’s support circles, and Soul Hunger workshops. She is currently the Clinical Director of Ai Pono Hawaii eating disorder programs with outpatient programs on Oahu and the Big Island of Hawaii, and an ocean-front residential program on Maui.

Dr. Anita Johnston will enlighten you about why there is a struggle around food and body image and why is it that this struggle is so pervasive for females today? She is available for individuals who want to find the deeper meaning to their struggle with eating and body, gently explore the underlying issues through the lens of metaphor, and discover what’s behind their urges or fears around particular foods. She will guide you in listening to the body’s wisdom, to free yourself once and for all from the misery of what you are doing with food or exercise.

This is what we’re here for:

    • How to deal with something that is not real in your mind?

    • What is the Light and Moon Cafe?

    • The different meanings of foods in different types of people

    • How to read body sensations?

    • The context behind 2 tanks in your life

Episode highlight

[01:28] Introduction to Dr. Anita Johnston

[02:10] Food is often a metaphor for the other things

[02:31] Dr. Anita Johnston’s background

[03:56] Why do so many girls and women struggle with food, eating, and the way their bodies look?

[07:41] The underlying themes that manifest differently

[08:17] The theme of restrictions

[10:19] How food makes you feel more than just a food

[11:03] The feedback from their sensitivity

[13:49] The process for leading an individual to come to awareness

[14:16] To see the unseen, to see the invisible connections

[14:43] Dr. Anita’s online program called Light of the Moon Cafe

[16:59] What your different foods might mean to you

[19:32] Different heart hungers that we have to understand

[20:12] The metaphor of 2 Tanks

[21:07] Learning to read your body sensations

[23:12] The food will tell you the very foods that you’re wanting to binge on

[23:56] Understanding that we are all different

[27:27] The sensation of hunger is way more subtle

[30:25] How long does the uncomfortable sensation last?

[32:59] The most important thing about the process is you can't judge yourself for judging yourself

[48:46] Final remarks

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