The Health Detective

The Health Detective

Nutrient-Dense Diet Part 2 with Holistic Hilda - The Health Detective

May 11, 2022

In today’s episode of the Health detective podcast, we will discuss more about nutrient-dense diet with Holistic Hilda who is a certified health coach and ancestral health advocate. Hilda shares the best of experts, experiences, and epic adventures on the podcasts, her Holistic Hilda YouTube channel, and ancestral health tours and retreats that she leads.

Today in part-2 of the nutrient-dense diet we are going to hear all about 11 principles for nutrient-dense eating and primal living. For more listen to the podcast.


Here are some key podcast highlights which you can jump to, for the best moments

[2:22] Background about 11 principles.

[4:47] No.1 Principle- No refined or denatured food.

[6:46] Reality of preservatives

[7:15] No.2 Principle- All traditional cultures consume some sort of animal food.

[8:21] Bridge gap for people who want to start animal-based foods.

[10:54] No.3 Principle- Consumption of quality food.

[13:51] From where Holistic Hilda prefers to source her food?

[15:51] No.4 Principle- All traditional cultures cooked some of their food and ate a lot of their food raw.

[17:38] Do people with dairy and lactose intolerance tolerate raw dairy differently?

[18:54] No.5 Principle- Consuming fermented food.

[22:09] No.6 Principle- Getting more out of nuts, seeds, beans, and legumes

[25:13] No.7 Principle- Consuming good fat.

[29:40] No.8 Principle- Right ratio of omega-6, omega-3, and essential fatty acids

[30:43] No.9 Principle- Consuming salt.

[32:18] No.10 Principle- Consumption of the whole animal.

[33:31] No.11 Principle- Childbirth preparation.

Listen to the podcast to know more about today's topic and don't forget to follow the health detective podcasts.