The Health Detective

The Health Detective

Keto, Fasting and Hormones with Leanne Vogel - The Health Detective

April 29, 2022

In today’s episode of the Health detective podcast with Leanne Vogel, who is a Holistic Nutritionist, best-selling author of The Keto Diet, and founder of She’s been in the health & wellness space since 2007 and creates programs, guides, and meal plans geared toward assisting women in adjusting the ketogenic diet to work FOR their hormones, not against.

Today we are going to hear all about the keto diet, hormone imbalances and how can you deal with those imbalances. For more listen to the podcast.


Here are some key podcast highlights which you can jump to, for the best moments

[2:24] Leanne Vogel's back story.

[4:35] Leanne Vogel's experience of losing her period.

[9:42] Lauryn's story of her first period.

[10:34] Leanne Vogel's realization about diet culture and side effects of laxatives.

[15:55] How does Leanne Vogel help her client distinguish their relationship with food?

[20:01] Sign of good metabolic flexibility.

[22:17] Common Imbalances that Leanne Vogel is helping women to deal with.

[23:51] How do fasting when you are on your periods?

[27:40] Leanne Vogel's learning about chronic illness.

Listen to the podcast to know more about today's topic and don't forget to follow the health detective podcasts.