The Health Detective

The Health Detective

Food Lies with Brian sanders - The Health Detective

April 25, 2022


In today’s episode of the Health detective podcast with Brian sanders, a filmmaker behind the documentary Food lies, the Co-founder of the health education company Sapien, and the founder of Nose tail working to spread awareness of regenerative agriculture increase access to well-raised animal products.

Today we are going to hear all about stuff related to food lies and some diets and myths that are there in the world related to some foods and chronic wellness hacks for more of it listen to the podcast.


Here are some key podcast highlights which you can jump to, for the best moments.

[08:00] What are some of the lies that you feel have set up our society to be in a state of chronic illness?

[15:00] What do people eat with meat?

[16:50] Whole foods market VS local source meat!

[20:11] Why eat meat when you can get it from nuts and seeds?

[25:32] Carnivore diet as a tool to reset things.

[28:35] Women’s energy needs are different.

[29:40] All the factors in health and diet will change in the coming five years.

[33:12] The Okinawa's who lived longer.

[34:04] How to navigate eating outside?

[35:50] Brian’s advice as a health detective.

Listen to the podcast to know more about today's topic and don't forget to follow the health detective podcasts.