The Health Detective

The Health Detective

Rewire Gut-Brain Connection Part-2: Real Talk - The Health Detective

April 18, 2022

In today's episode of the Real Talk edition health detective podcast show related to mind, body, and soul, I'll be talking about rewiring the gut-brain connection. How the brain is connected to our gut, stress is becoming a domino effect on all health issues, and the five core principles of the gut-brain connection

Podcasts highlights

Here are some key podcast highlights which you can jump to, for the best moments.

[02:43] Emotional stressors in an unconscious mind.

[08:00] Have we fully dealt with stress?

[13:10] Your mind, body, and spirit are connected.

[16:15] Territory and separation conflict.

[19:52] Our bodies want to work for us, not against us.

Listen to the podcast to know more about today's topic and don't forget to follow the health detective podcasts.