The Health Detective

The Health Detective

8 Steps for Naturally Detoxing from Toxic Molds : Body Wise - The Health Detective

April 15, 2022

In today's episode of the Body Wise edition of the Health Detective podcast, I will talk about eight steps for naturally detoxing from toxic molds, like stabilizing the immune system, detoxifying your body, healing, and much more.

Podcasts highlights

Here are some key podcast highlights which you can jump to, for the best moments

[4:50] To stabilize the immune system

[7:50] Support your body's natural drainage

[10:50] To lay the foundation

[12:22] Adding in your binder

[14:40] Targeting fungal overgrowth

[15:50] Make peace with food

[17:55] Rebuild the gut

[18:15] Detox daily

Listen to the podcast to know more about today's topic and don't forget to follow the health detective podcasts