The Health Detective

The Health Detective

Mold Toxicity & Genetic Analysis with Beth O'Hara - The Health Detective

April 13, 2022

In today's episode of Health Detective Podcasts with Beth O'Hara, who is a functional after path, she is the founder of her business. Mast Cell 360 is a functional naturopathic practice designed to look at all factors surrounding health conditions; genetic, epigenetic, biochemical, physiological, environmental, and emotional; that specialises in working with some folks and much more. We'll be talking about mold toxicity and genetic analysis and sharing our experience with you all, our history of autoimmunity, and more about mold toxins.


Here are some key podcast highlights which you can jump to for the best moments

[5:45] What is mast cell activation syndrome?

[9:38] What happens in mast activation syndrome?

[13:50] Every form of autoimmunity is studied in relation to mast cells!

[14:35] Mold is causing an epidemic.

[18:40] 99% of our clients remediate the mold.

[20:10] Mold can affect every system in the body and trigger mast cells.[22:00] Extreme health issues from mold exposure.

[25:00] High humidity is triggering more mold growth.

[26:30] People need to be educated in relation to their health.

[30:10] You don't eat raw vegetables in India?

[41:00] Metal detox.

Listen to the podcast to know more about today's topic and don't forget to follow the health detective podcast