The Health Detective

The Health Detective

Take Control of Your Bone Health, Naturally with Debi Robinson - The Health Detective

February 23, 2022

My guest this week, Debi Robinson, helps women with a diagnosis of Osteopenia or Osteoporosis take control of their bone health naturally. She teaches them how to identify daily lifestyle habits that contribute to either bone-building or bone loss, and has helped hundreds of women improve their DEXA scan scores, rescue their spiraling out of control bone loss, and reclaim their best life. 

What to look forward to in this episode ... [2:34]

How Debi made her way to helping others with Osteoporosis ... [4:06]

The connection between digestion and your bones ... [6:27]

Why calcium is nature’s bandaid ... [8:46]

Balancing the minerals in your body ... [13:47]

Debi’s favorite minerals ... [16:16]

“Superfoods” for bone health (and it isn’t what you think) ... [22:34]

Should we be taking collagen and bone marrow? ... [26:58]

Understanding the root causes of Osteoporosis ... [31:07]

Osteoporosis as a symptom of self-devaluation ... [34:52]

What it means to work through generational traumas ... [37:24]

What can you do for your bone health? ... [41:48]

What health-hack (or harmony) has Debi discovered lately? ... [43:39]

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