The Healing and Peace Show with Thomas Schmierer, LMFT

007: Developing a Good Relationship with Food—Emily Boller
Do you have a love/hate relationship with food? Are you looking for a way to apply Christian principles to help improve your relationship with food? Whether you binge only on occasion or have a full-blown eating disorder where you binge and/or purge regularly, today’s guest can help you. Emily Boller has not only recovered from an eating disorder, but has also inspired millions along the way. She is an author and a speaker with a Bachelor’s in Fine Arts and has received certificates from the Nutritarian Educational Institute. Most importantly, she is endorsed by our most recent guest, NY Times Best Seller and creator of the nutritarian diet, Dr. Joel Fuhrman.
Emily Boller went from morbidly obese to anorexic to engaging in binging and purging behaviors, but eventually developed a healthy and truly satisfying relationship with food. When her son committed suicide due, in part, to a junk food-induced psychosis called metabolic encephalopathy, it sent her into a grieving process that involved regressing to old ways of eating. With the help of the Lord and others who the Lord put into her life, Emily was able to heal from the trauma of her son’s death, regain peace and rekindle her passion for healthy eating. Besides sharing these stories, in this episode, Emily addresses the following:
- What does the title of the book “Starved to Obesity” mean?
- What is the connection between micronutrient intake and obesity?
- How can a dieting mentality be harmful?
- How following the guidance of Dr. Fuhrman’s Eat to Live book helped her to lose 100 lbs. in less than a year
- What is the nutrient scoring of food and how can Dr. Fuhrman’s Food Scoring Guide help you to know how nourished your body is?
- What size salad should we be eating to optimize our health?
- What does the grief process look like after one’s child commits suicide?
- Can a person be addicted to low-nutrient foods that are relatively healthy for you?
- What is the best way to stop eating so much of a particular food that we overeat?
- How do we apply Dr. Fuhrman’s formula “Health = Nutrients / Calories” (H = N/C)?
- How long does it take to break a habit of eating too much of a particular food?
- What are some Biblical quotes to help guide overeaters?
- Is there any connection, however remote, between healthy eating and the pro-life cause?
- What are the effects of giving foods like candy and ice cream to our children as rewards for outstanding behavior or to cheer them up?
- Do the ministers of the Christian Church have any responsibility to educate the flock on morality as pertains to food choices?
- What connection can be made between art, beauty, our bodies and diet?
Links to Bible quotes cited by Emily Boller:
“All things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up. (1 Cor 10:23 RSVCE)
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. (1 Cor 10:13 RSVCE)
Emily Boller’s site information (including the Transformation art exhibit):
Emily’s book:
Joel Fuhrman, MD’s site information:
- Main site:
- Main store:
- Book store:
Dr. Fuhrman’s books mentioned by Emily Boller (see “Book store” link above to purchase):
Photo of strawberries and tape measure by Lisa Fotios from Pexels.
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