The Healing and Peace Show with Thomas Schmierer, LMFT

005: Dating Standards and the Four Loves — Rev. Thomas G. Morrow, STD
Looking for advice on Catholic dating? Our guest in this episode is Fr. Thomas Morrow, leading expert on Christian dating & marriage preparation and author of several books, including Christian Courtship in An Oversexed World (now titled Christian Dating in A Godless World). In this episode, Fr. Morrow addresses the following:
Why was the title of his book Christian Courtship in an Oversexed World changed to Christian Dating in a Godless World?What are the four loves in the Greek language?How do these four loves relate to dating and marital relationships?How important is affection in marriage?What ways of being affectionate are appropriate for dating relationships?How much intimacy is good in a dating relationship, i.e. courtship?What is the difference between mere sexual intimacy vs. personal intimacy?What is the best way to run a young adult or singles ministry?What is the difference between the world’s path to finding a spouse and the Catholic path?Where can single women find single men who are faithful Catholics?Should a faithful Catholic date a marginal or non-Catholic and why?How can a Catholic single find Mr. or Mrs. Right?What is a tangible benefit of fostering and maintaining chastity during courtship?Should anyone try to convert their romantic interest to the Catholic faith?How important is it to go to daily Mass when single?How does the Mass compare to the other sacraments?What role does oxytocin and testosterone play in pre-marital sexual relations?What do you do if your boyfriend or girlfriend asks about past sins?How long should I date someone before getting married?Is it good to get rid of pre-conversion friends and find new faithful Catholic friends when you have a seriously sinful past?How important is it if your boyfriend or girlfriend treats certain others poorly as long as he or she treats you well?Is it good to have high standards when dating?What standards should you set when choosing whom to date?How do the principles of Sexaholics Anonymous line up with Catholic moral teachings on sexuality?Can attending Sexaholics Anonymous meetings really help those with an addiction to pornography overcome their addicition?
Rev. Thomas G. Morrow, STD’s site information:
Catholic Faith Alive!, Inc.: Chastity in a Pornographic World:
Resources referenced by Rev. Thomas G. Morrow, STD:
Hephzibah Anderson, Chastened: van Epp, How to Avoid Marrying a Jerk:, Fireproof:
Featured image photo credit: Jeswin Thomas from Pexels.
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