The Healing and Peace Show with Thomas Schmierer, LMFT

002: Date Fearlessly — Dave Sloan
Looking for Catholic dating and courtship advice for you or your children? Interested in the connection between St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body and Christian dating? In this episode, Dave Sloan explains how we can date fearlessly when guided by the wisdom of the Theology of the Body.
At the start of the new millennium, guest Dave Sloan was an evangelist on topics of dating, courtship, and the Theology of the Body. After failing to marry, he felt like a sham. Embarrassed, he gave up the public evangelization of Catholic singles and focused more on his own life. By simply focusing on doing God’s will, he has since been blessed with finding the wife of his dreams. In this episode, besides sharing his inspiring story of how he went from being a homeless drug addict to becoming a faithful Catholic convert, Dave Sloan shares:
How to get closer to God through datingThe connection between dating and the Theology of the BodyHow Love and Responsibility can be applied to datingHow God is the God of desireWhy Catholics ideally should be able to date fearlesslySome tips on maintaining chastity when datingWhen dating should be exclusiveWhat it means to “take intimacy” from anotherHow pure men do women a favor by dating them
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