The Healing and Peace Show with Thomas Schmierer, LMFT

The Healing and Peace Show with Thomas Schmierer, LMFT

Latest Episodes

009: Straight Thinking About Sexual Identity — Katrina Zeno
April 20, 2020 Do you have a daughter who feels more like a boy than a girl and wants to have a sex change? Or do you maybe have a son who came home from college last Thanksgivi

008: Fear, Longing and Fathers—Maura Preszler
March 16, 2020 Are you a woman who has been emotionally or physically battered by the important man or men in your life? Are you, perhaps, a father who knows that he is overly c

007: Developing a Good Relationship with Food—Emily Boller
February 15, 2020 Do you have a love/hate relationship with food? Are you looking for a way to apply Christian principles to help improve your relationship with food? Whether you

006: Eating for Mental & Physical Health—Joel Fuhrman, MD
January 15, 2020 Do you suffer from brain fog, attention-deficit disorder, anxiety, or depression? Or have you been diagnosed with hypertension, cardiovascular disease, or Type II Diabetes?

005: Dating Standards and the Four Loves — Rev. Thomas G. Morrow, STD
December 14, 2019 Looking for advice on Catholic dating? Our guest in this episode is Fr. Thomas Morrow, leading expert on Christian dating & marriage preparation and author of several books,

004: Christian Dating and the Five Senses — Anthony Buono
November 30, 2019 Looking for advice on Catholic dating? Our guest in this episode is Anthony Buono, the founder of and creator/author of a video series and several books on Christian dating and marriage preparati...

003: Sexual Starvation to Satiety — Christopher West
October 30, 2019 Looking for advice on chastity from a Catholic perspective regardless of your state of life? In this episode, top Theology of the Body evangelist, Christopher West, explains how an improper view of Catholic teaching...

002: Date Fearlessly — Dave Sloan
September 21, 2019 Looking for Catholic dating and courtship advice for you or your children?  Interested in the connection between St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body and Christian dating?  In this episode,

001: What to Expect on The Healing and Peace Show with Thomas Schmierer, LMFT
August 31, 2019 In this inaugural episode of The Healing and Peace Show with Thomas Schmierer, LMFT, Thomas explains: What the pur