Power To Be Happy: Journey of Healing, Together

Power To Be Happy: Journey of Healing, Together

#143 – Confidence for Survivors

April 01, 2024

When you are born in this world, you so want to be loved – you are confident in your own ability to love, and to give love in the presence of human who’s opened their heart.

When you’re learning to walk, you keep trying and trying – you are confident in your ability to keep trying, as you see people moving around you.

When you’re learning to talk, you have an urgent need to feel heard – you are confident in your ability to share your true thoughts with people in your life.

In other words, confidence is how capable you feel in the presence of others.

So what gets in the way?

Our own experience telling us otherwise.

Experience that is based on living in hurt, not on moving toward the healing.

So this week, I explore the practical ways to prove yourself confident, capable self who deserves to be happy.

It’s you, you and I, and our confidence does not come from outside, but from a deep source within that allows you to live in your own truth in the presence of others!

Reconnecting with part of yourself that is capable, true, and deserves it: