Make Bank with Marie Wold

Make Bank with Marie Wold

The Best Diet for 2019 with Registered Dietitian, Kara Corey

January 15, 2019

With it being mid January right now, New Year’s resolutions are either going strong, or starting to fizzle out no matter how GOOD our intentions were. The other day, I was reading an artcile about New Year’s resolutions and they had polled over a 1000 people… among that sample, almost HALF of them had diet resolutions, with the top approaches being low carb, basic calorie restriction (which could include just eating healthier), keto, and low-fat. As a wellness coach, I DEFINITELY have my own opinions about all of those approaches, cough cough especially keto, but I wanted to bring on someone even more specialized to chat about diets,  nutrition, and how they fit into a healthy lifestyle this week, so I brought on a registered dietitian, and WNBF bikini pro, Kara Corey! Kara really specializes in providing science-based, accurate nutrition information for the fitness community, and she does so through her YouTube channel, Kara Corey Fit Life, where she has a dietitian talk series, documents her competition preps, and shares tons of healthy recipes and lifestyle tips. She has over 100k subscribers, and for good reason, because Kara truly knows her stuff! So in this interview, Kara and I covered a TON of topics, but the standouts to me were: breaking down where to start if you’re overwhelmed with nutrition, how to make healthy eating a truly enjoyable lifestyle, and how we can pursue physical health AND mental health at the same time.