Make Bank with Marie Wold

How To Become a Magnet For Your Dream Life with Amber Lyon
A MUST listen if you have big goals in life... or love a vision board... or feel that 'meant for more' nudge but aren't sure what 'more' even is yet. Learning how to become a magnet for your dream life will collapse time and get you everything you want WAY faster.
In this episode, we talk about:
- How magnetism differs from manifestation and unlocks even more abundance
- Troubleshooting the most common blocks to magnetizing our goals, desires, etc
- How the conscious vs subconscious mind influences how we show up for ourselves
- Building self-trust so you can make bigger moves
Our guest, Amber Lyon is an author, Magnetic Mindset coach and Self Hypnosis practitioner. She founded Modern Mind as an online journal of philosophical ideas and reflections on how to practically show up in alignment with more joy, ease and opportunity. Her now iconic ‘visual meditations’ of words alongside soothing gradients have been shared by millions online and continue to guide her tight knit, growing community of light seekers. Born and raised in a small town in New Zealand, Amber now resides in New York City. Her debut book You are a magnet launches June 6th which contains guiding principles leading you through her four part framework to a magnetic and joyful life.