Make Bank with Marie Wold

Make Bank with Marie Wold

How To Stop Procrastinating & Harness 'Soft Productivity' with Alyssa Coleman

November 08, 2023

It's time that we as business owners shift our perspectives from relentless hustle to ensuring personal well-being and redefine success. Of course, striving for more revenue, clients, and followers is great, but let's not let it come at the cost of self-care and peace of mind.

This week's guest, Alyssa Coleman, is a renowned productivity strategist for creative entrepreneurs and founder of Your Most Profitable Quarter Yet. We are diving deep into shifting from the mindset of 'more is more', the harsh realities and pressures of the productivity and 'girl boss' cultures, and the impact these have on our mental wellbeing and professional lives.

There's a treasure trove of advice in this episode that you don't want to miss.