The Green Planet Monitor

The Green Planet Monitor

Latest Episodes

Oceans of Energy
September 07, 2024

Tapping Earths largest source of clean energy -- its oceans. Ocean waves, tides and heat. A massive resource. Then, theres salt gradient energy. Wherever fresh river water flows into salty seas, ele

Wages of Impunity
September 01, 2024

A conversation about Palestine-Israel with Dutch-Palestinian commentator Mouin Rabbani. The GPM met up with Rabbani in The Hague for an extended discussion about Israel's genocidal war on Gaza, the Pa

August 17, 2024

Almost a million uncommitted US voters want Kamala Harris to stand up for an arms embargo on Israel, and an end to the Gaza genocide. The GPM speaks about this, and more, with CODEPINK co-founder Mede

Original Child Bomb
August 10, 2024

Commemorating the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: a nuclear scientist remembers. A historian paints a different picture. And, the Pacific Island nation that paid the other ultimate price, tu

Base Nation
August 04, 2024

Israels 57-year military occupation of Palestine is unlawful, the World Court rules, and must come to end. Will Israel abide by the ruling? Will countries like Canada enforce it? Washington certainly

Mobile Petri Dishes
July 28, 2024

Mobile phones -- smart, incredibly useful. Life support systems. Theyre also mobile Petri dishes! The GPM speaks with a microbiologist who knows. And the roots of the US anti-abortion movement; misog

Genetic Gold Mine
July 22, 2024

The wheat genome -- much larger than the human genome, and packed with lost alleles for resilient wheat in a warming world. Plant researchers in the UK and China united to sequence the source code of

Apes on Steroids
July 14, 2024

The Great Acceleration: Earth systems commandeered by permanent human growth economics, fueled by coal, oil and gas. A quarter of the planet's core energy base -- natural primary productivity -- appro

Killing the Future
July 07, 2024

Killing the future in Gaza. Reducing it to rubble. Forcibly transferring its people into filthy tent camps, or onto the street. Starving them. Hunger and disease go hand in hand. The GPM speaks with A

Gaza, the West Bank & Belgium
July 01, 2024

Navi Pillay, chair of the UN's Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, reports to the Human Rights Council in Geneva about high Israeli and Hamas crimes