The Green Planet Monitor

Latest Episodes
Inspired by Hind Rajab
A year after the brutal murder of 6-year-old Hind Rajab, trapped in a bullet-ridden car in the ruins of Gaza City, a Belgian-based foundation hunts down Israeli war criminals in the little girl's name
Earth Heat, Salty Seas
The heat beneath: harvesting and recharging Earth subsurface heat, to heat and cool buildings, without heating Earths atmosphere. And, the wind blows, the sun shines rivers flow. Wherever they flow
Ceasefire in Gaza: respite for those whove survived Israels genocidal onslaught perhaps. And homeless, amid the ruins left behind by US bombs and missiles. The GPM speaks with Paula Gaviria Betanc
Obscure Committee
On the margins of the 23rd session of State Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Court, in The Hague, a stairway conversation about international law, and its fate, with South African Amba
No Reason to Cheer
A conversation about the downfall of Bashar al-Assad with Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs, and about the global nuclear menace with Columbia chemist and nuclear arms analyst Ivana Nikolic
Crime, Accountability & Punishment
Voices & stories from the 23rd session of the Assembly of State Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, in The Hague.
Nuking Paradise
Eighty years after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the real reasons for Americas hideous assault have been unearthed by a small army of scholars. Among these a guy named Glenn Alcalay, Assoc
Justice & the Taxman
Canadian rights groups call on the Canada Revenue Agency to suspend the charitable status of Canadian organizations funding Israel's unlawful occupation and colonization of Palestinian territories, an
Scholasticide: bombing schools, libraries and cultural centers. Killing students and teachers. Sound like genocide? It is. The GPM speaks about Israeli scholasticide in Gaza with the UN Special Rappor
Israel’s War on Lebanon
Recently returned from his latest trip to Lebanon, Canadian lawyer, activist and journalist Dimitri Lascaris speaks with the GPM about Israel's war on its northern neighbor, on Gaza, and the Palestini