The Gospel Podcast

The Gospel Podcast

Latest Episodes

Ep 20 An Enemy Within?
July 26, 2018

Can a Christian be devil possessed? Open your Bible, take some notes and let's see.

Ep 19 Enemies Among Us pt.2
July 25, 2018

The world, the flesh, and the Devil uses everything he can to attack and destroy God's children. He wants to destroy our Love relationship with the Father, our Walk relationship with the Spirit and our Conforming relationship with the Son. Satan's...

Ep 19 The Enemies Among Us pt.2
July 25, 2018

Today we continue discussing the devils tactics against the child of God.

Ep 18 The Enemies Among Us
July 24, 2018

The Devil is a relentless enemy. The Christians's battle with the devil begins the day he receives Christ as his saviour. The devouring enemy does not fight fair and neither does he fight alone. Listen today and learn who the devil recruits as his allies.

Ep 18 The Enemy Among Us
July 24, 2018

The Devil is a relentless enemy. The Christians's battle with the devil begins the day he receives Christ as his saviour. The devouring enemy does not fight fair and neither does he fight alone. Listen today and learn who the devil recruits as his allies.

Ep 17 The Fight Is On
July 22, 2018

Since we've already provoked our enemy, and he has aggressively attacked us, we might as go on the offense instead of just defending ourselves. The Bible will show us how to wage an offensive war against our enemy.

Ep 16 Picking A Fight
July 21, 2018

The Christian is a battlefield and our enemy is the devil. We need to understand that when we TRY to serve Christ he comes after us. We, of course, have the information and the support to be victorious. Brother Tony testifies about the struggles,...

Ep 15 John 1.4-5
July 20, 2018

Life begins when we as sinners accept Christ, and until then we are dead in trespasses and sins. Today brother Tony preaches the gospel. If you are unsure of your eternal home, have a listen. And if you are sure that your home is Heaven have a listen...

Ep 14 John 1:1-3 pt 2
July 19, 2018

"Robbing God" is not always about money. In the context it was about robbing God of worship that a Christian should render unto Him. Today, Jesus as the Word is the expression of the Father ; ; ; .

Ep 13 John 1:1-3
July 18, 2018

Preaching the gospel is a serious duty and not to be taken lightly. The Word of the Bible is the word of the Creator. It is Christ that reveals his Father and men today reveal his thoughts by preaching the word of God, Titus 1:3