The Good Life Hawaii
Jeff Kemp
How does a third-string quarterback his junior year in high school and someone who sits on the bench two years for Dartmouth slip into the NFL as an undrafted free agent and play quarterback for more than ten years in the league? This is the story of Jeff Kemp who’s faced life’s blitzes with God’s help.
Jeff Kemp is the author of Facing the Blitz. He grew up in an atmosphere of professional sports, politics, and national leadership. He majored in economics at Dartmouth College and earned his MBA with honors from Pepperdine University School of Business. After quarterbacking at Dartmouth his NFL career spanned eleven years playing for the Rams, 49ers, Seahawks, and Eagles.
John 16:33 Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”