The Genre Hustle

The Genre Hustle

Ep 3.10 - Writing Tools

January 14, 2020

Writing tools: they’re what writers use to get the job done. This week, we’re here to help you sort through the options for writing, maps, submissions, and other ways to support your writing. Scrivener offers a suite of tools and tricks that can help writers organize ideas, outline, write, and maintain continuity at once. On the other hand, some people might find the learning curve too steep and the tools distracting. Microsoft Word is an old favorite with minimal interruptions and ease of use. Google Docs has the added bonus of its cloud-based storage and accessibility. Since multiple people can work on the same document, it’s ideal for coauthoring, collaboration, and critique. Map-makers have new tools in both Wonder Draft and Inkarnate - though one is a clear favorite of the Genre Hustle Crew! We also discuss voice memos, submission tools, and the role of spreadsheets in your writing. Ultimately, the best writing tools are the ones you use!