The Futurists

The Futurists

Latest Episodes

Africa Goes Greenfield
September 06, 2024

This week on TF we go to the cradle of civilization with Futurist, Economist and Professor Adrian Saville. Adrian, based in South Africa, is theFounder of Boundless World, a Professor of Economics, F

The Upside of Disruption
August 30, 2024

This week Brett and Robert are joined by Futurist, Founder and Author Terence Mauri as he gets ready to launch his new book, The UPside of DisrUPtion. We talk long term disruptive potential of AI, how

Newspapers Fighting The Future 
August 23, 2024

Journalist and media pundit Jeff Jarvis returns to The Futurists to discuss the strategies deployed by newspapers and magazines to prevent technology firms from dominating journalism. Its an uphill b

Enlightened Humanity
August 16, 2024

In this week's episode we see the return of the philosopher futurist and award-winning science fiction author David Brin. We talk through the Fermi paradox, the ongoing civil war in the US, the geopol

The Fragile Internet
August 09, 2024

In this episode, cybersecurity specialist and advisor to the DoD and former DIA cyber chief, Tyler Cohen Wood, joins us to talk about the recent Microsoft update crash and DDOS attacks. Wood takes us

Life Imitating Sci-Fi
August 02, 2024

In this weeks show we interview the legendary British science fiction author Charlie Stross. From Accelerando through to the Laundry Files we talk through how politics and social dynamics of our day

The Fate of the Republic with Brett and Rob
July 26, 2024

What will happen in the US Presidential election? Its no exaggeration to say that the fate of the republic hangs in the balance as the United States heads to the national election in November. A seri

Bioplausible Artificial Intelligence
July 19, 2024

Monica Anderson returns to the Futurists to share a radical concept: future AI models based on Darwinism. The "AI epistemologist shares provocative opinions about where the current crop of generativ

Amplified Cognition
July 12, 2024

This week Ross Dawson and Brett King sit down for an unscripted conversation about AI, Energy markets, climate survivability and resilience, mass migration, collaborative intelligence, advanced health

June 28, 2024

This week we call upon renowned media personality and thought leader Tariq Qureishy. Based between London and Dubai, Tariq has recently helmed a project known as Voices of the Future. A chronicling