The F*ck It Podcast

Back when I was a raw vegan…
Today I'm talking to my college best friend, Melanie Morgan. I met her freshman year when I was a raw vegan, and she tells the story of when we first met (and she thought I was nuts). And apparently, six years later, I also forced her to become paleo with me. I totally forgot that.
In this episode we chat about mental health, my diets before The F*ck It Diet, and lots of other absurd things.
You can find Melanie on instagram here, and Melanie's podcast with her husband and other friends at Have You Seen The Podcast!
This episode's anti-diet sponsors!
(In the very least, I recommend you follow them on social media and get their free content!)
Side By Side Nutrition
Free Video Series: Weight Gain WTF
The #1 Thing stopping people from successfully Intuitive Eating? Fear of Weight Gain. If that's your fear around healing your relationship to food, you're not alone! The Body Love Society is offering a free 5 day video series called Weight Gain WTF! It will provide mindset shifts and tools for you to see past your fear of weight gain, and move forward in your journey to food and body freedom. You can access the video series for free at
Linda Tucker Coaching
Linda Tucker is proud to call herself an Anti-Diet Coach, supporting people as they re-learn how to enjoy food and trust their body again. She has a specific interest in the nuances of how to stay on the non-diet path while also trying to manage chronic health issues.
Keeping her coaching accessible and affordable, she offers virtual sessions to people all around the world. Linda has hosted multiple book clubs, including The Fuck It Diet !!! - and she provides free consultations for anyone who may be curious, reach out and say hi at !
Lauren Redwine of Wellness with Redwine
Lauren is an anti-diet coach, and her mission is to challenge “wellness as usual” and give you some motherf*cking freedom.
She received her health coaching certification back in 2013 from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and her Masters in Psychology in 2019. She follows an Intuitive Eating, anti-diet approach with her clients.
When Lauren was going through her health certification she tried diets, cleanses, and “healthy lifestyle” eating in order to live like she thought a health coach should. After each attempt to follow a plan she would inevitably find herself in a violent binging phase only to start a new diet plan all over again on Monday. Lauren felt extremely alone because NO ONE was talking about this, especially in the health & wellness world.
But she has since found freedom -- and can help you get there too. In Lauren’s 1:1 coaching program, she helps health-conscious entrepreneurs: lose the obsession with food & gain freedom, stop the diet-binge cycle, learn how to connect to & trust their bodies again, and separate their self-worth from their appearance.
If you are interested in learning more about Lauren's work, you can find her on Instagram @wellnesswithredwine or sign up for her newsletter at