The F*ck It Podcast

The F*ck It Podcast

Latest Episodes

Why Isabel Foxen Duke left anti-diet coaching & her former political worldview behind…
March 18, 2024

Back from the dead! I've decided to share this episode to my old anti-diet feed as well as my new podcast "Problematic," since it has some crossover content... If you wanna find my new stuff, or t

This Podcast is Ending + The Nervous System with Irene Lyon (again)
September 16, 2022

Big update! The chaos is ending. Listen to this episode's intro for the explanation. This podcast is about to become an archive of old episodes, dedicated to The F*ck It Diet. But before it ends, I

Cancel Culture Chat – with Seerut Chawla
May 30, 2022

Note: This episode was actually recorded for my other podcast, Problematic. But I originally recorded the conversation when, for a short time, my podcasts were merged. So don't let the outtro confuse

Diet & Purity Culture in the Church
March 06, 2022

Today I am sharing my conversation with Leslie Schilling, MA, RDN, CSCS, CEDRDS-S, where she talks about diet culture and purity culture in the church (and how is mirrors our culture at large!). We al

Anxiety and The F*ck It Diet
January 29, 2022

Hello! Today's episode is short and sweet... I'm starting off with a 10 minute audio-chapter from the audiobook of Tired as F*ck. And, that audio clip just so happens to be aboutanxiety,and what it'

I’ve Been on The F*ck It Diet for 10 Years
January 08, 2022

January 5th was the 10 year anniversary of The F*ck It Diet!!! (and my 34th birthday!) It's not the ten year anniversary of the book... but of my actual journey on The F*ck It Diet. - So, in celebrati

Africa Brooke: Why Cancel Culture is Collective Sabotage
December 20, 2021

Today's conversation is with Africa Brooke! Coach, writer, podcaster, and author of the viral open letter, "Why I'm Leaving the Cult of Wokeness." We talk about her journey to where she is now, the dy

F*ck It Skincare with Jessica DeFino
November 28, 2021

In today's episode, reporter Jessica DeFino explains how our skin works, and how beauty culture is actually damaging our skin health with skin "care" products. This is one of my favorite episodes on m

A Chat with The Thick Nutritionist
October 18, 2021

Today's episode is a conversation I had with Tash Ngindi, aka @thethicknutritionist. We talk about her early diet days, her disordered days in nutrition school, and her journey to realizing that weigh

All of the mistakes I made with Intuitive Eating
January 11, 2021

This post and episode is brought to you by my live program, The F*ck It Diet Club. It's only running one time in 2021. Two monthsof live support, community, video Q&As, daily prompts, weekly beliefs