The Flame - A Podcast Musical

The Flame - A Podcast Musical

Episode 6 - You've Got Trouble

July 07, 2021

Previously on the Flame: Jamie (Ellie Brigida) and Sam (Jasmin Savoy Brown) got all cute on us in the jail cell and finally kissed! Jo (Jenn Collela), Mel (Valerie Rose Lohman) and Heather (Leigh Holmes Foster) bond over a "Car Ride From Hell" on the way to pick up Sam and Jamie.
This week on the Flame, Sam (Jasmin Savoy Brown) and Jamie (Ellie Brigida) go on the world's cutest ice cream date and Jamie gets some digits! But things get tense when Harold (Jesse Nowack) shows up to check on "his" property and he won't let a little sapphic romance get in the way of his steal of the century. And Rachel (Chilina Kennedy), you remember Jamie's ex Rachel, shows up to check on her property....we mean ex-property...girlfriend...Jamie and invites her out to dinner for closure. And Heather (Leigh Holmes Foster) is right there to give Jamie relationship advice even though she doesn't want a relationship herself. Something tells us things are going to get a bit rocky for our Sam and Jamie. Tune in for Episode 7 to see what happens next!
Featured songs:
"You've Got Trouble" - Harold (Jesse Nowack)
"Happy With Me" - Heather (Leigh Holmes Foster)
For the full cast & creatives list visit
This is an original radio play produced by Lez Hang Out Productions.
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