The Fame Fatale

The Fame Fatale

Latest Episodes

Episode 62: Hollywood caste-ing
September 11, 2014

When it comes to red carpet events, Hollywood is kinda like India: There's a caste system. The brahmins at the top get to arrive whenever they want, diss whoever they want, talk to the masses, or not. And the untouchables--fledgling pop singers, wannabe r

Episode 61: I am Grossly Overpaid! Groot!
August 20, 2014

Well, look at that. We're at our 61st episode already. That's no small feat, given that I'm starting to rack up mortal enemies. Take the film office for a certain southwestern metropolis, for example. I hear that someone over there considers me formidable

Episode 60: The sexiest hell on earth
August 12, 2014

Welcome to Episode 60 of my show! A listener has written in asking why "all" of the celebrities are currently on Ibiza, that sexy Mediterranean island that features eight Scandinavian models for every fake Rockefeller in a sweaty silk shirt. In this lates

Episode 59: 1 of 2 good things from Comic-Con & the celeb wedding dish Tom Cruise wishes would go away
July 29, 2014

That's a long headline up there. Deal with it. It's a jam-packed podcast, and that's what happens when you record a jam-packed podcast that's jam-packed with jammy-packy dish. For instance: My co-host this week is none other than Harmony Walton of the&nbs

Episode 58: Mermaids are totally real
July 23, 2014

No they're not. But in my latest podcast, my co-host delves deep into the world of fake documentaries, particularly Animal Planet's amazing two-part "scientific" series that drew millions of Americans in the wild, wonderful and completely fake world

Episode 57: Know thine Emmy
July 14, 2014

The Emmy nominations are out! And they're as confusing and poorly reasoned as an episode of The Strain!  But fret not, TV watchers. You have questions about why the nominations came down the way they did, and I have answers. This whole

Episode 56: Mashugana gigolo
July 01, 2014

Happy week of Fourth of July! Nothing says American independence like showing up at a synagogue and strippin’ down, amiright, fellow patriots? This week’s podcast features a nifty celebrity sighting that, if not red or white, is certainly blue. Find o

Episode 55: I'm alive, thanks for asking
June 23, 2014

I’m back with a brand-new podcast, people! For those of you who voiced concern over the utterly vicious, Uruk-Hai army of a head cold I had last week—and to those three of you, thank you—know that I am back. I am alive. I am ready to, once again, an

Episode 54: Never change, Gold Pants
June 10, 2014

If you've ever wondered why so many pop stars like to compare themselves to slaves–I'm looking at you, Prince–this is the episode for you. Yes, famous musicians are insanely rich, so rich that they can wear mountie hats made by Vivienne Westwood

Episode 53: Starving artistes
June 04, 2014

This week I promised you a podcast jam-packed with answers to your burning Hollywood questions, and here it is. Red carpet reporter and reality TV obsessive Lawrence Yee joins me for this episode, in which… A listener named Kaitlin wonders what goes on