The Exclusive Career Coach

The Exclusive Career Coach

218: A Dozen Career Management Tips for 2022

March 16, 2022

Today, I’m sharing my 12 top career management tips for 2022. For this episode, I pulled information from and


Hey – if you haven’t checked out my FREE monthly webinars, now’s the time! On the third Thursday of each month at 4:00 p.m. Eastern, I offer a 1-hour webinar on a job search topic.


To see this month’s topic and to register:


1.    Keep your resume up to date.

Whether you are looking for a job or completely happy where you are, having an up-to-date resume says to the universe, “I am open and willing to speak with recruiters.”


Another benefit: If you frequently update your resume, there’s less chance that you’ll forget important achievements.



2.    Polish your LinkedIn profile.

Much like keeping your resume up to date, keeping your LI profile current is a must. I like to think of your profile as “recruiter flypaper,” meaning your content is attracting the recruiters you want to speak with.



3.    Keep a win list.

I recommend both paper and computer files of your performance evaluations; kudos from colleagues, your boss, customers, or vendors; details of successful projects you managed or initiatives you introduced; performance metrics such as sales reports.


This win list will make your life much easier when it’s time to update your resume or prepare for a job interview.


4.    Get a mentor.

I did an episode on the four times in your career when a mentor is especially important; you can find it at


Mentors can be extremely beneficial in guiding you through the challenges of your job, your profession, your industry, or your company. Choose wisely – and make sure you both are on the same page as to expectations and time commitment.



5.    Become a mentor.

Unless you are a still-wet-behind-the-ears recent college graduate, you have something to offer someone. As a rule of thumb, I think you are qualified to mentor someone who is two steps behind you in that area of their professional life.


Be open to employees who might be on the search for a mentor – and offer to help others who you are confident would benefit from your expertise and experience.



6.    Make time for networking.

For many of my clients, making networking a priority is difficult for them. If they aren’t actively job searching, it is easy to think of work responsibilities as more important than networking.


Here’s how I think of this: Noah didn’t wait until it started raining to build the ark. If you make small efforts on a regular basis, your network will remain active and even grow. Then, when you want to look for a new job, that network is there for you to leverage – no need to start from scratch, in the rain.



7.    Join a professional association.

Professional associations hold many potential benefits including networking for career advancement, partnership opportunities with colleagues, professional development, and leadership opportunities.


Find one that suits your career goals and strengths and go deep in that organization – this is far preferable to joining several groups but not really participating in any of them.



8.    Schedule time for regular meetings with your boss.

Last year, I did an episode on how to have productive one-on-ones with your boss:


This episode points out how to make sure these meetings aren’t cancelled by your boss, what to do when they are, and how to structure them so both of you are excited and energized by the meetings.



9.    Take advantage of professional development opportunities…or create your own.

If your company offers courses or provides funds toward continuing your education, take advantage! If they don’t, look for opportunities that will help you do your current job better and position you for the next rung in your career ladder.


I find it helpful to look at job descriptions of the position I want next; what are those employers looking for in a qualified candidate?



10.Set a SMART goal.

As a reminder, SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Sensitive.


Here is an example:

“I will begin my MBA in the fall of 2022.”


I love the saying, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” It is important to establish a plan to achieve your SMART goal.


Your plan to begin your MBA might include the following, with specific dates to achieve:


-Take the GMAT


-Research online MBA programs


-Apply to 3-5 schools


-Make adjustments to work schedule and home commitments to allow time for attending online classes and doing homework


Your goal could be around additional education or certification, a skill you want to improve on, a technology you want to learn, or a person you want to work closely with.



11.Tackle a gap.

In addition to engaging in professional development to position yourself for your next role, what else do you need to be competitive? What experience do you need to have – or have more of?


This gap may very well inform your choice for a SMART goal.



12.Google yourself.

Not only to find if there is anything negative about you out there, but also to see what positive content is out there. Are you positioned as a thought leader in your field? A subject matter expert? At the pinnacle of your profession?


Along these lines, take a look at your credit score and make sure there’s nothing there that could bite you if a future employer wants to do a credit check.


Which ones resonated with you? Remember, a goal without a plan is just a wish…so get busy planning to make your career management goals happen. Let me know if I can help!




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If you’re ready to take your job search to the next level by working with a highly experienced professional with a track record of client success, schedule a complimentary consult to learn more:

