The Exclusive Career Coach

The Exclusive Career Coach

183: Closing the Job Interview and Following Up

June 23, 2021

I wanted to let you know that I’ve moved to a once-a-month webinar format, held on the third Thursday of the month at 4:00 p.m. Eastern. The topic is different each month, and I jam-pack them full of content.

To learn about the next webinar:


This week, I want to talk about how to wrap up a job interview and what you’ll want to do after the interview to increase your chances of getting the job.

At the close of the interview

Here are the three things you must do at the close of each interview:

1. Thank them for their time

2.    Re-state your interest in the position, if applicable

3.    Determine the next step(s) in the hiring process

Within 24 hours after the interview

1. Send thank you emails

2.    Send any additional information requested by the interviewer, or that you mentioned during the interview

3.    Send any supplemental information that might assist with the hiring decision, such as work samples, document, etc.

4.    Connect with the interviewer(s) on LinkedIn if you haven’t already

Ongoing contact

It can sometimes be weeks, or even months, before a final decision is made. In the meantime, how do you stay in contact with companies you’ve interviewed with and are very interested in?

1. Periodically check in with your primary contact – depending on the circumstance, weekly or every other week is appropriate.

2.    Send information about the company or the contact when you can – but don’t overdo it.

3.    Let them know of any new achievements, credentials, etc.

4.    Let them know if you receive another offer so they have the opportunity to counter.

Are you in the wrong job that chips away at you every day? The CareerSpring coaching program will help you find a job that uses your zone of genius, recognizes your value, and pays you what you’re worth.

Schedule a complimentary consult to learn more: