The Exclusive Career Coach

The Exclusive Career Coach

021: Taking Care of You During a Job Transition

March 07, 2018

Today, we’re talking about managing the mental, physical, social, and spiritual aspects of a job transition.

Whether you have chosen to leave a position or that decision has been made for you, job changes can be one of life’s most stressful experiences.

By taking care of your primary asset—yourself—you can ensure a more successful, less painful job transition.

This week’s guest is Jenn Swanson, of Careers by Jenn. Known to be a "pathologically positive" person, Jenn has been educating, encouraging, and empowering others to succeed for more than 25 years. With a background in healthcare and education, a Master's Degree in Leadership and a passion for wellness in the workplace, Jenn brings energy and enthusiasm to all that she does.



Jenn focuses on three key areas of mental/cognitive self-care:

Patience – Be patient with yourself and with the process. The job search can be slow-paced and full of unexpected (and unexplained) delays; exercising patience is an important component of mental self-care.

Positivity – Keeping a positive mindset and not allowing the inherent rejections to be about you are key aspects here. Realize that there’s a lot going on “behind the scenes” with the companies you’re applying for; it has nothing to do with your ability to do the job.

Persistence – Never give up! Keep plugging; each rejection is just one step closer to your “yes.”


You know, intellectually, to take care of your physical body during a job transition. It is easy, however, to let self-care slip because of financial constraints or a sense that you should be doing “more important” things.

Your body is the vessel that performs the work you were put on this earth to do, so just as you maintain your car, you want to take excellent care of your body.

-Eat real (whole) food

-Get plenty of rest

-Take time for daily exercise


The job transition can be a very isolating place; here are ways to ensure your social needs are being met:

Networking Not only does networking serve an important job search purpose, it also requires you to get dressed and get out of the house. If you’re networking with former colleagues, you also have the opportunity to keep your finger on the pulse of your social circle and your profession.

Relationships – If you are unemployed during this period, you may have the opportunity to spend more time with the most important people in your life. Take full advantage of the space to truly nurture these relationships in ways that are mutually meaningful.

Have Some FunIf you can afford to take that trip of a lifetime, do it. If your budget is more limited, get creative on some fun activities you can engage in locally. Give yourself permission to enjoy some downtime.


It’s important during this transition to give yourself time to be quiet and introspective. Here are some specific suggestions:

Practice Gratitude Be aware of, and grateful for, what you do have in your life, rather than what you’ve just lost. Develop a daily gratitude practice that requires you to focus on the positive aspects of your life.

Meditate/Pray – Regardless of your religious beliefs, accessing your higher power is critically important during this transition. Speak to, and receive messages from, your source as you navigate your job search and make decisions about your future.

To find Jenn Swanson, visit her website, podcast, and blog at

To visit my website:

Follow My YouTube channel (Lesa Edwards); it’s chocked full of value career management content is easily digestible bites.

Want to speak with an expert about your career/job search goals? Need help figuring out what’s holding you back from achieving your dream career? Let’s talk. Here’s the link to schedule a 30-minute consult call with me: Hope to see you soon!