The Exclusive Career Coach

The Exclusive Career Coach

284: Free Resources on

August 16, 2023

From time to time on this podcast, I will mention a free resource available to you via my website. Today, I thought I would go over all those resources for you.


As a reminder, the URL is



To be clear: The primary free resource I offer is this podcast, with nearly 300 episodes covering the job search, interviewing, career decisions, salary negotiations, LinkedIn, career management, life coaching, career transitions, leadership, and more.


If you are ever looking for a specific topic on the podcast, the website is a great place to go because the topics I just mentioned are categorized so you can more easily find exactly what you need.


As for the other free resources found on, click on the “Free Resources” tab – currently, there are six resources there, with plans to add several more in the not-too-distant future.


Why do I offer so much free stuff? Two reasons:


1.    Not everyone is a good fit to work 1:1 with me, either because they aren’t able to make the investment, their career path and goals aren’t ones I focus on, or they just aren’t looking for the level of help I provide when I work 1:1 with clients.


2.    When I put valuable content out into the world, it attracts my ideal clients to me. People who want my level of service and are willing to invest in themselves and their careers.


People who schedule a consult with me should be actively seeking a professional partner in this process – and have the funds and willingness to invest in themselves to come on board with me if we both feel we are a good fit for one another. My consults are NOT for people to get further 1:1 assistance from me for free – please respect that I run a business, and to continue to do so I have to make money.


Here are the free resources you can find on my website: 



Branded Resume

This free resource comes to your inbox over five days, giving you bite-sized chunks of information and homework each day.


I cover all the main areas of the resume, including how to write your job description and achievements. I cover in-depth how to brand yourself in a way that differentiates yourself from your competition.


Once you sign up for the Branded Resume, you begin getting the course the next day, and will receive content for five straight days. Each day focuses on a different aspect of your resume, with homework for that aspect.



Professional Purpose

Also sent over five days, the Professional Purpose course walks you through how to find your Motivated Skills, identify the most important values you want to see in an employer, job, and work environment, gives you questions to journal to help you uncover those seminal moments in your life that are pointing you towards your purpose, and next steps.


I use this course with clients when I am coaching them on making a career pivot or reinvention, but you can also use the course on your own. If, once you go through the course, you want more help understanding what all that information is telling you, then you may want to invest in some coaching with me.



6 Things Derailing Your Job Search

This resource is specifically for those of you who have started a job search and somewhere along the way lost your mojo. It is also for those of you who need to start a job search but can’t seem to get going.


For each of the six things – all things I frequently see in clients I work with – there is a strategy or tool to solve the derailer. This is a great resource for those of you who want to get your energy and enthusiasm back to support you in finding your next dream job!



How to Choose a Resume Writer

This resource, which is also available on my LI profile, walks you through questions you should ask a prospective resume writer, how much you should expect to invest, and how to evaluate your consultation with a resume writer to determine if this person is a good fit for you.


I also cover the alphabet soup of credentials available to resume writers – and what you should look for in terms of resume writing credentials.



Zones of Genius

This is an exercise I have all my resume writing clients go through. It takes only 10-15 minutes and is designed to help you identify language around your areas of strength, which I call Zones of Genius.


This is a must-have resource if you are writing your own resume. You can either use some of the language in your results verbatim in your resume, or just include the ideas and concepts you learn.



Interview Coaching Guide

If you have a job interview coming up, this resource will be invaluable to you. I walk in-depth through how to approach answers to tough and behavioral interview questions. In addition, there are dozens of interview questions you can use for practice.


I offer this guide to all my interview coaching clients to supplement the 1:1 work we do, and it has also been the most downloaded of my free resources lately.



If any of these resources are just what you need, head on over to to sign up. You’ll be on my mailing list, which means you’ll get a couple of emails from me each week with even more helpful career management and job search content.





This entire episode has been about the DIY services I offer on my website, coupled with how I utilize those resources with my 1:1 clients.


If you want to DIY your resume, interview prep, or career decision-making – PLEASE take advantage of these free resources; they are my gifts to you.


If you want the 1:1 attention, expertise, and results that come from working with a highly skilled professional like me, and have the funds available to invest in yourself at a high level, then I encourage you to sign up for a consult: