Product Mastery Now for Product Managers, Leaders, and Innovators

Product Mastery Now for Product Managers, Leaders, and Innovators

TEI 266: The many ways professional organizations help product managers – with Mark Adkins

January 27, 2020

Like many product managers, my path to product management was rather accidental. After leading software product teams for 10 years, I discovered the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA). This is the oldest professional association for product managers and innovators, building the body of knowledge for us for over 43 years. Yep, the product management discipline is not nearly as new as many people think. It has its roots back to 1930 formally at P&G and informally, longer than that.

PDMA was where I first discovered frameworks and tools for product managers. It was a huge ah-ha moment for me, connecting and providing meaning to aspects of work that I had been doing.

So, given PDMA's impact on my career journey, I was so pleased when they told me that this podcast is the first, and so far only, they recommend for product managers and innovators.

To talk about how they help product managers, I invited one of the leaders of PDMA to discuss the value of the professional association. Joining us is Mark Adkins, Vice Chair of PDMA. Mark is also the CEO and founder of LeanMed, a medical device company dedicated to bringing essential treatment to underserved parts of the world through innovative technologies.

Every time I talk with Mark I am inspired and I hope you find this discussion does the same for you.