Product Mastery Now for Product Managers, Leaders, and Innovators

Product Mastery Now for Product Managers, Leaders, and Innovators

TEI 268: Why and how product managers can benefit from product communities – with Olga Andrienko

February 10, 2020

You need to be using customer communities in your product management work. I was told that SEMRush, makers of a digital marketing platform, had created one of the most effective international communities -- one that was not only valuable to product managers to learn about the needs of customers but also one that customers and influencers wanted to join.

To explore how they build and use communities, I spoke with the Head of Global Marketing, Olga Andreinko. She currently leads all SEMrush branding across 50+ countries. In 2018 she was recognized among the 25 most influential women in digital marketing by TopRank. Most importantly for us, she shares her experience creating online and face-to-face communities in ways that specifically help product managers be more successful, creating products customers love.