Product Mastery Now for Product Managers, Leaders, and Innovators

Product Mastery Now for Product Managers, Leaders, and Innovators

TEI 267: How companies make product decisions and what they need from product innovators – with Stephen Key

February 03, 2020

Do you have a good idea for a product? As an Everyday Innovator, I'd say the chances are pretty good. Do you try to develop it yourself? What about joining forces with the company you work for? Or, a third, and very profitable option, is to license it. To explore licensing from the perspective of an Everyday Innovator with a good idea or from the company's perspective that is being pitched, this is the discussion for you. Even if licensing is not something you see in your future, you'll find this discussion interesting.

It is with Stephen Key, the world’s leading expert in licensing consumer product ideas. He is a repeated inventor, holder of numerous patents, and coach to people wanting help to license their product ideas.

In addition to licensing, we discuss validating ideas, removing risk, and intellectual property concerns.