Product Mastery Now for Product Managers, Leaders, and Innovators

Product Mastery Now for Product Managers, Leaders, and Innovators

PDMA2024: The Inspire Innovation Conference for Product Managers, Leaders, and Innovators – with Spike and Bill

August 12, 2024
Why product managers need to attend the longest running innovation conference
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The Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) Inspire Innovation Conference, on September 14-17, 2024 in St. Louis, MO, offers product managers and innovators a unique chance to grow professionally.

Why Professional Development Matters for Product Managers

For product managers, ongoing learning is crucial. It helps you create products that customers love and that help businesses grow. The PDMA conference is a perfect place for this kind of learning. Attendees can discover the newest trends in product development, learn about innovation methods, and pick up best practices for managing products throughout their lifecycle.

PDMA: A Long History of Excellence in Product Management

PDMA has been around since 1976, making it the oldest organization dedicated to product professionals. For nearly 50 years, PDMA has focused on sharing what works best in successful companies. It also helps bridge the gap between academic research and real-world application in product development.

How the Conference is Structured

  • JPIM Research Forum (Saturday and Sunday morning): This is where academics present their latest research
  • Bridge Session (Sunday afternoon): This connects academic ideas with industry applications
  • Inspire Innovation Conference (Monday and Tuesday): These are practical sessions for product professionals

Real-World Impact: How PDMA Helps Product Professionals

Bill and Spike shared why they take the time to attend the PDMA Inspire Innovation Conference

Bill works at Boulder Imaging, a company that’s growing quickly. He’s used PDMA’s body of knowledge to improve two important areas:

  • Strategy: He’s implemented frameworks to align the company’s overall strategy with each department’s plans
  • Teams and Culture: He’s developed ways to keep teams focused and aligned during periods of significant growth

Bill shared an interesting experience from a past PDMA conference. In 2014, he attended a session about whiskeys. They were looking at how packaging compared to the actual value and taste of the product. This session showed Bill how important product presentation is. For example, they talked about Maker’s Mark whiskey. The company thought about lowering the alcohol content from 90 proof to 80 proof to meet increased demand, thinking people usually mix it with water or ice anyway. But this backfired because customers felt they were getting less value. It taught Bill that how customers perceive your product is just as important as what the product actually is.

Spike works in market research and is relatively new to product management. He’s found great value in PDMA’s focus on Voice of the Customer methods. The conference has helped him with:

  • Qualitative and quantitative market research techniques
  • Understanding consumer behavior beyond just looking at numbers
  • Implementing effective Voice of the Customer strategies in product development

Spike emphasized the value of the conference for newer product managers. You can dive deep into topics and actually talk to the speakers after their presentations. It’s not like watching a webinar where you can’t ask questions. You can sit down with experts and really understand the concepts.

Focused Journeys for Attendees

One unique aspect of the PDMA conference is its journeys for attendees. These are tailored paths based on what people need and are interested in:

  1. Ideation and Discovery: This journey explores how to come up with new ideas and understand what customers want
  2. Development and Delivery: This focuses on how to launch products and manage them in a flexible way
  3. Innovation Governance and Tools: This covers the tools and techniques for managing innovation effectively

These journeys help product managers and innovators learn practical skills they can use right away in their jobs.

Executive Innovation Track

For senior product leaders, there’s a special Executive Innovation Track. This is designed for VPs, senior VPs, executive directors, and C-suite executives involved in product development and innovation. Led by industry experts, this track focuses on high-level strategy discussions and decision-making in product innovation.

Body of Knowledge Bootcamp

For those looking to advance their careers through certification, the conference offers a Body of Knowledge Bootcamp. This intensive session prepares attendees for the New Product Development Professional (NPDP) certification, which is well-respected in the field of product management.

Special Sessions and Events

The PDMA conference isn’t just about presentations. It offers unique experiences and chances to network:


Welcome Reception
A networking event with an AI-powered whiskey blending experience

Offsite Excursion
A visit to Anheuser-Busch, offering insights into large-scale product innovation

Half-Day Workshops
Sessions on Radical Product Thinking and AI Design Sprint

Outstanding Corporate Innovator (OCI) Award
Recognizes top innovators in industry

Global Student Innovation Challenge
Showcases new talent and fresh ideas in product innovation

What Makes the PDMA Conference Special

The PDMA conference stands out from other product management conferences in several ways:

Practical, Useful Knowledge

Attendees gain insights and tools they can use right away in their jobs. The conference focuses on providing actionable strategies for planning product roadmaps, leading cross-functional teams, and managing product portfolios.

Diverse Industry Perspectives

With participants from many different sectors, the conference offers a wide view of product innovation best practices. This diversity allows attendees to gain fresh perspectives and ideas they can adapt to their specific situations.

Friendly Setting for Meaningful Conversations

Unlike larger conferences where networking can be overwhelming, the PDMA conference provides an environment where it’s easy to have in-depth discussions and build relationships. Attendees have plenty of chances to talk with speakers, industry leaders, and peers in meaningful ways.

Balance of Academic Research and Practical Application

The conference’s unique structure, bridging academic research with industry practice, ensures that attendees get a well-rounded perspective on product management and innovation. This balance helps product professionals stay informed about cutting-edge research while focusing on practical implementation.

Exposure to the Entire Product Management Spectrum

From student innovations to award-winning corporate strategies, the conference covers all aspects of product management. This comprehensive approach helps attendees understand how product management practices have evolved and prepares them for future challenges in their careers.

The Power of Networking and Continuous Learning

Both Bill and Spike stress how important the networking opportunities are. The chance to talk directly with speakers, ask questions, and discuss ideas with peers from various industries provides invaluable learning experiences.

Bill mentioned how the conference setup encourages interaction. They intentionally set up the conference rooms with half-round tables. This naturally encourages people to sit with others they might not know, leading to great discussions before and after sessions.

Outstanding Corporate Innovator (OCI) Award

One of the most valuable sessions at the conference is the Outstanding Corporate Innovator (OCI) Award presentation. This award recognizes companies that have shown consistent success in new product development and innovation.

Bill shared some insights about the OCI process. Companies that apply for this award go through a rigorous evaluation process. Bill recently visited one of the finalists, and they had spent hundreds of hours preparing for the site visit. They had almost 40 people involved in presenting different aspects of their innovation process. What’s really impressive is that many companies use this process as a way to improve their innovation capabilities, even if they don’t win the first time. PDMA has seen companies come back year after year, getting better each time based on the feedback they receive.

Past winners of this award include well-known companies like Cargill, Hershey’s, 3M, Church & Dwight, and Medtronic. The winning company shares its innovation journey and key insights into how they manage product development and innovation. This session provides attendees with real-world examples of successful innovation practices they can apply in their own organizations.

Global Student Innovation Challenge

Another unique aspect of the PDMA conference is the Global Student Innovation Challenge. This event showcases the work of student teams from around the world, presenting their innovative product ideas.

This year, the competition included 125 students representing 15 universities, 19 professors, and 34 total teams from eight different countries.

Conference attendees get to vote for the winning teams, and the winners receive cash prizes to help further develop their ideas. This event not only provides students with valuable experience but also gives attendees a glimpse into emerging trends and fresh perspectives in product innovation.

Investing in Your Professional Growth

Attending the PDMA conference is an investment in your professional development and your organization’s success. By gaining new insights, expanding your network, and learning from industry leaders, you’ll be better equipped to drive innovation and create products that resonate with customers.

The conference provides a unique opportunity to:

  • Learn about the latest product development trends
  • Improve your skills in areas like agile product management and design thinking
  • Gain insights into effective product launch strategies
  • Understand how to better incorporate voice of the customer in your product development process
  • Learn about innovative product management tools and techniques
  • Improve your product portfolio management skills


The PDMA conference offers a unique blend of academic insights and practical application in product management and innovation. By attending, product professionals can enhance their skills, expand their network, and gain valuable insights to drive their careers and organizations forward.

Whether you’re new to product management or an experienced professional, the conference has something to offer. From the focused journey tracks to the executive innovation sessions, from the student innovation challenge to the outstanding corporate innovator award, the PDMA conference provides a comprehensive look at the state of product management and innovation.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a community dedicated to advancing the field of product management and innovation. Join fellow product professionals in St. Louis this September to learn, network, and grow in your career.

Useful links:

Innovation Quotes

 “I can’t spare this man. He fights.” – Abraham Lincoln,
“If you have always done it that way, it is probably wrong.” – Charles Kettering

Application Questions

  1. In what ways can you better integrate Voice of the Customer methodologies into your current product management practices? Consider how you might use both qualitative and quantitative research methods to gain deeper customer insights.
  2. How might attending a conference like PDMA’s change your approach to cross-functional team leadership in product development? Think about how you could use the networking opportunities to learn from leaders in other industries.


Product Manager Interview - Spike Ross-CorbetteWith over 10 years of experience in market research, Spike specializes in identifying opportunities and creating value through strategic planning and data insights. His passion lies in solving consumer problems, leveraging his expertise in economic analysis, data reporting, and strategic planning. Currently, I serve as a Product Manager at Portland Marketing Analytics, where he leads product development and research projects to enhance user experiences. His previous roles include retail sales at Sherwin-Williams and various leadership positions in the U.S. Coast Guard. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the University of Southern Maine.

Product Manager Interview - Bill ReidBill Reid has over 35 years of experience in all phases of product development, helping companies bring new products to the market. Over Bill’s career he has worked for many innovative large multi-national companies including Ford, General Electric Aircraft Engines, General Motors, and Covidien. Furthermore, Bill has had extensive involvement with companies as small as single entrepreneur start-up ventures. Throughout his career, he has found enjoyment in being able to teach others about innovation methods.  Bill has worked as a consultant in product development and innovation for his company Immersed, since 2007.  Currently, Bill is Vice President at Boulder Imaging and leads Boulder Imaging’s teams in hardware engineering, project management, production, global supply chain and professional services.

Bill is a certified New Product Development Professional and serves on the board of PDMA.  Bill holds a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and a Master of Science degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Cincinnati and is named as the inventor or co-inventor on 22 US patents.  Bill has self-published his own book on innovation, titled “Immersed in the Cave.”  Bill’s passion for innovation and creativeness extends beyond the workplace to his hobbies, where he is an award-winning homebrewer who has had a beer featured at the Great American Beer Festival.


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