The Drop Set with Darin Starr: Bodybuilding for the Masses

The Drop Set with Darin Starr:  Bodybuilding for the Masses

222 – Transitioning From a Meal Plan to Macros

March 30, 2023

Back at it with 2 episodes in 2 days!  Don’t forget to call in with your question at 865-518-6569 and have your voice heard!

Today it’s a topic that came from a client check-in, I floated the idea of transitioning her OFF a meal plan and towards a macro based plan to make regular travel a bit easier to handle – and she’s on board with the idea, but needs a primer covering all the “what do I need to know?” type stuff – and that’s exactly what we’re covering here.  If you’ve been following a meal plan and are looking to introduce a little more variety, this might be the ticket for you.

The post 222 – Transitioning From a Meal Plan to Macros appeared first on Five Starr Physique.