The Drop Set with Darin Starr: Bodybuilding for the Masses

The Drop Set with Darin Starr:  Bodybuilding for the Masses

215 – Why Bodybuilding Needs Saving

December 13, 2022

The Drop Set Episode 215 - Why Bodybuilding Needs Saving

In 215 I’m mostly going over the latest installment in the Washington Post’s deep dive into the dark recesses of bodybuilding, going over drug protocols and competitor deaths.  You can read the original reporting here (paywall may be in effect, the article can be found elsewhere also).

I have some additional details on deaths not covered in the article that I go over after breaking down their reporting.  Summary:  ain’t a good look.

Also echoing two requests:  I need your input for ideas on a YouTube series, and I’m also soliciting ideas for “ways in which bodybuilding can be improved” after breaking down the 6 main issues that I see at present.  If you have anything to add to that list, lemme know!

For YouTube viewers, I also showed off a new logo wall hanging I had made, thanks to my friend Charlie – you can check out his online laser engraving shop here:

The post 215 – Why Bodybuilding Needs Saving appeared first on Five Starr Physique.