The Drop Set with Darin Starr: Bodybuilding for the Masses

The Drop Set with Darin Starr:  Bodybuilding for the Masses

209 – Vacation Update and Bouncing Back, Problematic Exercises

October 19, 2022

209 – Vacation Update and Bouncing Back, Problematic Exercises

Well it seems like a much bigger deal to me than it probably is in reality, but posting my interview with Wendy Levra last week as episode 208 took some logistical planning to make happen while I was on vacation – nice to not miss a week!

Today I give you the recap on my trip (for those who care) and also what I’m doing this week to bounce back and regain form after a week of being completely OFF plan in every possible way. The positives and the negatives that come from that as well.

There are some additional great questions posed including one about exercise that tend to me problematic or ‘discomfort-causing’ than most, and how I go about addressing/tweaking those or coming up with substitution options – a good mental exercise for me on that one!

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