The DogBone Pawdcast

The DogBone Pawdcast

Latest Episodes

Common Issues From People Training Young Dogs: You're Moving Too Fast! | Ep: #205
March 03, 2023

When we get a question from someone struggling with a dog that is less than 2 years old, the answer to their question usually has something to do with "be patient" or "slow down" or "take steps back".

Hold Conditioning for a Solid Delivery | Ep: #204
February 03, 2023

Hold conditioning is how we form a nice delivery, informally from day one, and formally once the dog has an understanding of retrieve and we feel the need to "polish" the dogs delivery.

How To Potty Train a Puppy: Learn Your Dogs Routine! | Ep: #203
January 18, 2023

How to potty train a puppy? It's really very simple, but it does take you as the dogs owner to figure out your dogs pattern. This can be different for every dog. In this episode of the podcast, we are diving into how we figure out each individual puppy's