The Disruption Zone

The Disruption Zone

Latest Episodes

DZ Ep 159 – State Auditor Mike Harmon Talks Gov Beshear’s Unemployment Failure and Really Bad Car Choices
February 12, 2021

Governor Beshear has failed Kentucky in so many ways, but in particular his administration’s handling of the unemployment situation has been abysmal. State Auditor Mike Harmon released a report showing 400,

DZ Ep 158 – Congressman Massie Has Proof The CDC Is Misinforming Americans and the Democrats Definitely Want Take Your Guns
February 10, 2021

Democrats are coming hard after the second amendment. What should we be watching for in the coming months? Also, Congressman Massie has proof that the CDC is misleading the American people on the vaccine and it’s efficacy for people who’ve already had ...

DZ Ep 157 – Rep Chris Freeland and Cameron Mills on Ethan and KY Animal Cruelty Laws
February 08, 2021

A little over 10 years ago I helped bring the left and the right together to pass “Romeo’s Law” in Kentucky. The bill was named after a dog named Romeo that faced horrific animal cruelty at the hands of his owner,

DZ Ep 156 – President Biden’s “Vaccine Plan” Is Already in Shambles, But the Media Won’t Tell You That
February 05, 2021

Biden wants to get 300 million people vaccinated by summer. At the current rate, that’s a statistical impossibility. We discuss this with Health Care Distribution expert Paul Seegert on today’s episode.

DZ Ep 155 – Overriding Vetoes, Covid Vaccination Isn’t Going Well and Will Gov. Beshear Be Impeached? Rep. Savannah Maddox Joins Us
February 04, 2021

Today on the show, Rep. Savannah Maddox gives us the scoop on the legislature overriding Gov. Beshear’s Vetoes and his subsequent lawsuit. We also talk Covid vaccines and the citizen’s attempt to impeach Gov. Beshear.

DZ Ep 153 – Apple Vs. Facebook on Privacy and Big Tech Censorship
February 02, 2021

Digital Business Guru Adam Rizzieri is back with us. Does Apple really care about your privacy? Why does Facebook think they can buy and sell you? Where is Big Tech censorship headed and what does it mean for democracy?

DZ Ep 152 – Social Distancing vs Social Spacing and Rep. Andy Barr (KY-6)
January 29, 2021

The term social distancing has bugged me since we started using it, and now I think I know why. Also, we’re joined by Congressman Andy Barr to discuss the atmosphere at the Capitol these days, the horrific media/leftwing double standard,

DZ Ep 151 – Josh Crawford: How Do We Solve A Problem Like Big Tech Censorship
January 20, 2021

They are a private companies, yes, but the product they offer is a public forum and when they use arbitrary and politically discriminatory standards to suppress one side of the political aisle while promoting the other and when their services become ub...

DZ Ep 150 – Digital Marketing Exec Has a Big Warning About Big Tech Censorship
January 14, 2021

Is it time to regulate #BigTech? Is Big Tech Targeting Conservatives? We live in strange times for sure. Adam Rizzieri is a digital marketing executive and he has a strong warning for people and for businesses as we enter uncharted territory with regar...

DZ Ep 149 – Congressman Andy Barr talks Impeachment, National Healing, and Big Tech Censorship
January 13, 2021

The last year has been one of the wildest and horrible times in my lifetime when it comes to the state of our country. The violent, reprehensible and traitorous actions of a few radical conspiracy theorists have started to unravel our national fabric.
