Disaster Podcast

Disaster Podcast

Coronavirus Update and a Look a Weather Conferences and Disasters

January 31, 2020

In this week’s episode, we cover a couple of topics. First we chat with Dr. Joe Holley about the recent coronavirus outbreak and its spread worldwide. The podcast crew covers the need to seek out reliable information. We also talk about the need for health professionals and all emergency response persons to be sources of high quality and up-to-date information on the outbreak.
The best source for people inside the U.S. is with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). They have a dedicated series of pages for all the relevant information on the coronavirus outbreak with information for the public, for healthcare professionals, and public health teams. Make sure you head over and check it out at the link above.
After our extensive discussion about the viral outbreak, we shift gears and bring in meteorologist and emergency management expert, Becky DePodwin. Becky chats about her frequent attendance of weather-related professional conferences. She focuses on the increased awareness of meteorologists about weather disasters and the impact of forecasts on response and public reaction.
Also on the show this week are co-hosts Sam Bradley, and Jamie Davis.
Join the Discussion

Join the discussion after the show with co-hosts Sam Bradley and Jamie Davis, the Podmedic in our Disaster Podcast Facebook Group now!

Paragon Brings “The Experience”

Paragon Medical Education Group specializes in bringing what they call “The Experience” to jurisdictions around the country. They bring together police, fire, EMS, and hospital teams to train together and learn what to expect from each diverse group in the response team so that each knows what to expect from the other and how to back the other groups up. Visit Paragon’s site at ParagonMedicalGroup.com for more information on how this can be brought into your system.