Disaster Podcast

Disaster Podcast

Rising Above Personal Challenges with Jonathon Feit

November 17, 2015

The Disaster Podcast crew loves stories of personal triumph over disease and injury that could otherwise be a disaster in a person’s life. Jonathon Feit has Tourette Syndrome, a neurological disorder that causes facial tics and other unintended movements. Ironically, Jonathon had been misdiagnosed for years and, at 19, was working in a neuromuscular lab when he was finally diagnosed. It could have devastated him, but he found the diagnosis freeing.

An intelligent young man, he went on to develop a number of products including EMS software that works even in disasters. Through the discussion, we can see his positive attitude is a much stronger part of him than his Tourette’s. He discusses being a new husband and father. Speaking with Jonathon was delightful and you’ll find as we did that he’s an inspiration to all of us.