Disaster Podcast

Disaster Podcast

Eyewitness Account of View From Inside Denver Tornado

July 09, 2015

This week on the Disaster Podcast hosts Jamie Davis, the Podmedic and Sam Bradley bring on Sam’s cousin to share her experience with an F1 Tornado that struck her community in Denver, Colorado. Dr. Arlyn LaBair, MD is Board Certified in Family Medicine and was at her place of business when a sudden storm struck the area. She went outside and saw the clouds circling over her location. The storm pulled the screens from her windows and lifted moving boxes from the yard in front of her neighbor’s home.

denver twisterThe accompanying rain caused flash flooding that rose suddenly in about 15-20 minutes on the street out front. This caused some vehicles to begin floating down the street trapping some individuals in the cars. Local residents including some members of a local disaster response NGO team sprung into action and rescued one family from their SUV out front. Check out this amazing and inspiring episode of the Disaster Podcast.