Disaster Podcast

Disaster Podcast

Revisiting Robot USAR Applications During Disaster

May 14, 2015

Disaster Podcast hosts Jamie Davis, the Podmedic and Sam Bradley are joined by frequent guest paramedic and disaster educator Jim Logan to talk about various aspects of local training and preparedness for responses. They revisit the topic of using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to assist with response and discover a website for a resource in Texas to provide those UAV tools to responders on an as-needed basis.

CRASAR, the Center for Robot Assisted Search and Rescue  is a Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station Center whose mission is to improve disaster preparedness, prevention, response, and recovery through the development and adoption of robots and related technologies. Its goal is to create a “community of practice” throughout the world for rescue robots that motivates fundamental research, supports technology transfer, and educates students, response professionals, and the public. CRASAR is a dynamic mix of university researchers, industry, and responders.