Disaster Podcast

Disaster Podcast

Author Rene Steinhauer on the Haiti Earthquake Response

April 09, 2015

In another powerful episode of the Disaster Podcast, host Jamie Davis, the Podmedic and co-host Sam Bradley are joined by paramedic, nurse and author Rene Steinhauer to talk about his powerful story and book “Saving Jimani: Life and Death in the Haiti Earthquake.†Rene talks about his many responses to disaster areas all over the world as a volunteer health care professional. From Ebola in West Africa to tsunami victims in Indonesia, Rene shares his outlook on why it’s so rewarding to respond to help people in disaster-torn areas of the world.

About the book:

The earth shakes, buildings fall, hundreds of thousands of people die in minutes. Others lie broken and infected in the streets of Haiti begging, and waiting for help. An empty orphanage is the battleground for life and death in the Haiti Earthquake. Two hours from civilization, a small team of doctors, nurses and paramedics frantically struggle to save two thousand patients as the hope of survival dwindles minute by minute. The battle has just begun. And the medical team asks, “Can we save any of these people?†Managing the twelve-person team, Rene Steinhauer, a weary combat medic, stands witness to human suffering greater than he ever encountered in Iraq.