Disaster Podcast

Disaster Podcast

Remembering our Injured and Disabled First Responders on the Disaster Podcast

March 12, 2015

Sam Bradley, host of the Disaster Podcast and Jamie Davis, the Podmedic, her co-host welcomed a friend of Sam’s on the show to talk about what initiatives are out there to support injured and disabled firefighters, EMS providers and police officers hurt in the line of duty. Drew Aversa was injured on the job as a firefighter in northern California’s Bay Area. Luckily for him, he had family resources to fall back on to find a second career. Not all injured first responders have that luxury.

Drew is now pushing an initiative to offer injured first responders like the police, firefighters and EMS providers a support network and system of resources like those offered to veterans who return from service disabled or injured. The proposal would include alternative work training, college tuition breaks and tax credits to businesses who offer jobs to disabled first responders. Check out this very special episode of the Disaster Podcast.