The Dep Podcast

The Dep Podcast

Ça te tentes tu? Ep.3

July 08, 2021

Theme: sexual harassment and the culture of consent.

This three-year, three-phase project focuses on community mobilization and developing a sense of engagement among young people about the culture of consent.
The first of the three phases consist of assessing needs (among youth, teachers, non-teachers and community) and developing partnerships with different actors and actresses present in the community. On the other hand, the second focuses on developing tools to meet the sexual harassment needs expressed and gathered in the first phase. Finally, the last stage aims to implement these tools in the areas solicited by the project.

The Genders & Equality program aims to educate local youth, girls, and boys about exploitation and sexual violence and gender stereotypes and equality issues. This project has been made possible by the joint efforts of Prevention CDN-NDG and the Table de concertation jeunesse Côte-des-Neiges.évaluation-des-besoins-Synthèse-Cultivons-la-culture-du-consentement.pdf