Dare to Dwell: A Podcast with the Daughters of St. Paul

S05 E17: Season Wrap-Up and some Eschatological Musings
Season 5 Episode 17: Season Wrap-Up and some Eschatological Musings
In today’s episode, Sr. Orianne Pietra René and Sr. Julie Benedicta wrap up the season and talk about some of our favorite points from the book, and then launch into a long reflection on how great Heaven is going to be!
Thanks for joining us this season! We’ll catch up with you again in a few months!
“As the Holy Spirit gives himself to us forever and desires that his action, as far as possible, be constant in our souls, our correspondence, our devotion, must be a total, definitive, and perpetual surrender, a true consecration.” – Archbishop Martinez, The Sanctifier, Ch 19
“Consequently, the cross, the supreme symbol of love and pain, is the consummation of devotion to the Holy Spirit and therefore of Christian life and perfection.” – Archbishop Martinez, The Sanctifier, Ch 19
You don’t need to have the book to follow along, but if you’d like to get a copy, you can find it here:
Paperback: PaulineStore.com | Amazon
Sr. Orianne’s article on Shadow and Bone for the Pauline Center for Media Studies
Call to action:
1. Spend some time reflecting with the question: Can I let God catch me off guard and surprise me? Do I want to let him change me?
2. What was your favorite theme from this season? Consider spending some time in adoration or other prayer space in a conversation with God about that topic.
Holy Spirit Chaplet: For Printing | For Mobile
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The Daughters of Saint Paul