Dare to Dwell: A Podcast with the Daughters of St. Paul

S05 E15: Glorifying God in Our Offering
Season 5 Episode 15: Glorifying God in Our Offering
In today’s episode, Sr. Orianne Pietra René and Sr. Julie Benedicta discuss chapters 17 & 18 of The Sanctifier, which explores the mystery of the Cross, the offerings we are able to give to God, and how to handle sufferings (big and little) in the spiritual life.
“A true devotion to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit leads to one end, the cross: the true and supreme glorification of the Father, the highest expression of love on earth, the central point of the will of God.” The Sanctifier, Ch 17
“Perhaps in heaven we shall see that glorification and love are the same: that only love glorifies God, and that in glorification alone does love find its rest and its peace. On earth we do not see this. […] The cross, the supreme glorification of God, is also the supreme expression of love. Love is surrender; it is giving. It is the sweet communication of our whole being with that of the Beloved.” The Sanctifier, Ch 17
Each priest, each soul, must carry within himself that intimate reflection of the cross, that echo of Calvary. Each priest, each soul, must answer the sacrifice of Jesus with his own. The solemn and glorious martyrdom of blood is not the only one; there are personal martyrdoms, meritorious and cruel, unseen by man but seen by God. Each virtue can have its own martyrs. Charity, queen of them all, has many very great ones.The Sanctifier, Ch 18
You don’t need to have the book to follow along, but if you’d like to get a copy, you can find it here:
Paperback: PaulineStore.com | Amazon
1. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5: Resolved to know nothing among you
2. Galatians 1:3: Who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified?
3. Personal Prayer: A Guide for Receiving the Father’s Love by Fr. Thomas Acklin and Fr. Boniface Hicks Amazon | Publisher
4. Abandonment to Divine Providence (New translation!) PaulineStore.com | Amazon
Call to action:
1. Reflect with the idea that what I can’t possibly imagine now to be good in my life will be exactly what I need in order to grow in my relationship with God.
2. Begin with the next little thing. What might be the next incremental thing I want to allow the Lord to work on with me? How might Jesus be inviting me to generosity and trust here?
3. As you begin, see how it becomes easy and light. Because it will, as we allow Jesus to share it.
Holy Spirit Chaplet: For Printing | For Mobile
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The Daughters of Saint Paul